The greatest news we have is that the construction of the wall has been fully completed today, thus all the 1,2km is now complete. This is a great achievement as the wall is really big and long, things are starting to take shape now.
Guest House.

The construction of the guest house continues, with two sides now complete up to the window level and now the progress will be faster as all the workers are for the mean time going to focus on the guest house only since the wall is now finished.

All the material for the guest house is now in place and next week we are planning to go to Botswana for shopping and to buy just a few fittings left like the door handles, showers, shower handles, electrical cables, lamp holders and electrical sockets and switches.
Land Levelling.
The levelling of the land is at a halt as the bulldozer is still under repairs and also there is still a big dam of water locked from the last rain season in the place where the classroom blocks are marked to be constructed, however we are using this water for the preparation of the mortar for the builders and to water our trees and flowers that we planted.
Material For the School - Classroom Blocks, Administration Offices, etc.
The classroom blocks have two floors as so we need to start buy the deformed steel bars for the reinforcement in the construction of the concrete pillars which are the initial stage. Next week we have a meeting to discuss the way forward with one of the companies that produce them.
We had two deliveries totalling to 1,200 bags of cement and our stock levels are quite well as we still have more than 800 bags in store and we have a pending delivery of 620 bags.
We are now looking for donors to contribute torwards the purchasing of two sliding gates, one is four metres long and the other is six metres long.
New Developments.
Education is one of the main ministries of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows and the primary missions of our Foundress, Blessed Elisabetta Renzi. With this is mind, we have decided to help our employees who do not have enough Ordinary level subjects by proposing to have a Night School which will be run as follows;
* We shall make use of the same premises for the Oratory children.
* Lessons shall start from 17:30 to 19:30 from Monday to Friday then from 13:00 to 15:00 on Saturdays.
* The Oratory teachers will teach all the subjects as overtime and their renumeration will come from the fees paid by the students.
* The charges shall be very minimal so that everyone can afford to study.
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