The construction of the guest house is going on and the progress is quite good as we are very happy with it. Yesterday the builders started preparing the roof trusses and all the timber required for the roof is now on the site. In this week, they have also built the veranda for the front and the one for the back of the house and all the inside partitions have been completed up to the ceiling level.
Next week Thursday we are planning to go to Botswana to buy the gysers, showers for the guest house and buy some groceries for the house and shopping.
School Registration.
We have began the registration process of the school and we have since completed all the required forms, on Monday we had a meeting with the Director of Education in Harare and he welcomed our project and he appreciated so much. We asked for help from his Ministry and he asked us to put everything in writting and so we have done this, next week we go to submit our requests, the project plans and the completed forms. However he said he will approve the project as there is a serious shortage of schools in the country.

We have been to the electricity company and they gave us a quotation for the labour, connection fees and the materials they have to supply. We made the payment and now we will wait for them to start the installation of the new line to our site, which is 1km from the line where they will take the electricity from.
Monday marked the celebration of the Italian day, we went to the Italian Embassy and we had a nice time there with many Italians attending the ceremony and other diplomats from different countries.
Sorry we did not manage to take any fotos as we were busy running around all week as we had a lot of meetings and buying material. We will send you the fotos on Sunday afternoon.
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