The construction of the classroom block is now at an advanced stage, with all the brick work almost complete and now working on the fittings. To date the following has been achieved :
* the brandering that holds the ceiling in the first floor is now abot 70% complete.
* ceiling board in the first floor is almost halfway done.
* wall tiles in the toilets in now about 25% done.
* window panes on the ground floor have been fitted more than 80%.
* Doors, door handles and locks.
* Floor tiles for toilets.
* Electrical fittings, lights, switches and plug sockets. (for these we already have a quotation from a company that is manufacturing all these and they employ 75% disabled people as they are trying to promote them. Some are deaf, some are dump and some are crippled or have some form of disability. We got a 5% discount and considering we are buying directly from the manufacturer it is a good price and also we will help promote the disabled).
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